Emanuele Birritteri

Emanuele Birritteri is Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Criminal Law at the Department of Law and Economics of the University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza and Adjunct Professor of European Criminal Law at Luiss University – Rome. At Unitelma Sapienza he has also been appointed as the Vice-Coordinator of the Degree Course in Legal Sciences.

In 2023 he obtained the Italian National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor for the disciplinary field no. 12/G1 – Criminal Law.

He is member of the editorial committee of the journals Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto penale dell’Economia and Giurisprudenza Italiana and of the publishing series “Jus Gentium Europaeum”. He is also member of the editorial staff of the journals Diritto penale contemporaneo – Rivista Trimestrale and Criminal Justice Network, and referee for the journal Studi sulla Questione Criminale

He is member of national and international research project units and of the Association Internationale De Droit Pénal – Young Penalists Section. He is also Socio Ordinario (Full Member) of the Società Scientifica Italiana degli Studi su Mafie e Antimafia (Italian Scientific Society for Mafia and Anti-Mafia Studies – SISMA).

He has been Visiting Postgraduate Research Student at the University of Manchester and Visiting Ph.D. Student at the Norwegian School of Economics in Oslo. In 2024 he was awarded the Glasgow Law Fellowship for a research period as a Fellow of the University of Glasgow School of Law.

He is the author of the monograph Salute pubblica, affidamento dei consumatori e diritto penale. Limiti e prospettive di tutela nel settore alimentare tra individuo ed ente collettivo (Giappichelli, 2022) and of scientific publications, also in international journals, mainly on criminal compliance, food crimes, corporate criminal liability, the fight against corruption and organised crime, new technologies and the criminal justice system, medical negligence, disinformation and the protection of freedom of expression.