Maria Giovanna Brancati

Maria Giovanna Brancati is a PostDoc Research Fellow in Criminal Law at the Department of Law and Economics of the University of Rome UnitelmaSapienza.

She graduated in Law from the University of Pisa (2017) and obtained her LL.M. in Analysis, prevention and fight against organised crime and corruption from the same University (2018).

She obtained her Ph.D. in Legal Sciences from the University of Perugia and in Droit, Etudes politiques, Philosophie from the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris (2022). 

She is a member of the editorial secretariat of the journal Archivio Penale and of the editorial board of the journal Quaderni ISPA.

She has been a member of units of national research projects and has carried out research assignments at Placido Rizzotto Observatory of the FLAI-CGIL – Federazione Nazionale Lavoratori Agroindustria. She is a member of the Association Internationale De Droit Pénal (AIDP) – Italian Group, Young Penalists Section, and a member of the Institute of Penal Studies ‘Alimena’ – Interdepartmental Research Centre of the University of Calabria.

She has been a Visiting Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law (Freiburg, Germany) and a Visiting Ph.D. Student during her co-tutorship Ph.D. at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris, France). She has carried out teaching and tutoring activities at the University of Perugia and at the University of Pisa, as well as in professional training institutions.

She is the author of several scientific publications, including in international journals, and has been a member of the organising secretariat of scientific conferences, including international ones.

Her main research interests are in the areas of the general theory of crime, general theory of punishment, criminal execution, restorative justice, economic criminal law, criminal labour law, European and comparative criminal law, labour exploitation and criminal law, ‘caporalato’, and corporate criminal liability.